Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Not sure what the weather will do...the forecast keeps changing. Might take a quick trip up to Edmonds this Saturday.

I guess it's just degrees of gray, drizzle, hail, and sun.

Sunday, March 18, 2018


Keeping windows clean on a boat is a monumental task. As I tend to do, I was using an environmentally friendly product...trying to be kind to the planet. Well, I'm not sure if it's the product, the cloths, or the build up of dirt and grime, salt water and diesel fumes, but it's not working!

I cleaned the windows (exterior) when we arrived in Longbranch yesterday. The good news is that it was a bit chilly and I warmed up pretty quickly. The bad news is that the windows ended up dirtier than when I started! Okay, maybe not worse but just as filthy...in a different way.

So...REALLY GOOD window cleaner is on the boat shopping list. Let me know if you have a favorite. (And if you have a preference for equipment: Micro fiber? Paper towels? Handi-wipes?)

I want to use this blog to make note of what we like best about the places we visit. The Longbranch Improvement Club Marina is small, has a great clubhouse (if you need that kind of thing, it's almost completely enclosed), and Filucy Bay is very pretty, is super quiet, and has great morning sun! Drawbacks: Nowhere to go from here unless you want to walk alongside of the shoulderless country road.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Gateway to the South Sound

We hit the south-running current at The Narrows...8 knots...8 to 10 nm/gallon...smooth water. We both spent time on the bow enjoying the sunshine!

After driving over the Fox Island bridge most days of the week for the 17 years we lived there, it's fun to go under it now! Gorgeous through Hale Passage.

The only boat at Penrose Point State Park, we enjoyed the afternoon sun, with views of super green water, surrounding farmland, and the Lakeway Marina.

Our neighbors from Tacoma, who are in the process of getting their own Ranger(!), drove out to join us for dinner. Not all turned out as planned (forgot the propane hose for the grill) but many thanks to the guys, who cooked our steaks in a frying pan in the galley. Delicious! (A bit messy...and totally worth it.)

Woke up to a bit of fog on this St. Patrick's Day morning. We think we're headed to Filucy Bay...but plans sometimes change. We'll see how the day goes!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Heading south again...

The weather is warming a bit and we hope to head south on Friday...maybe to Filucy Bay and Penrose Point. We enjoy Penrose but have yet to visit the marina in Longbranch.

We are anxious to try out our new electric folding bikes, which we have ridden but haven't  loaded on the boat yet. We hope they'll fit in the cave opening. My photo shows the kids taking them for a spin.

Hoping for sun...

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Home just in time!

The photos are of the boats at Jeresich Dock in Gig Harbor. The new facilities there are quite nice and the waterfront is such a great place to walk.

After lunch at the Tides, both boats headed out, the Coorie Doon back to Des Moines and the Europa back home to the FHM. We had an uneventful, calm cruise but mid-washdown it started raining and then absolutely poured. We were soaked by the time we got our stuff in the car.

Sounds like the Zs had a little rougher ride, as the rain and wind hit the Des Moines marina right when they were docking. Glad to hear all is well!

Great weekend cruise despite a few rough spots.

Following calmer water...

It's good to have plans...and it's really good to change things up depending upon circumstances.

We left the Foss on Friday, heading to Des Moines to meet the Coorie Doon. The Zs were there to have her serviced. Dinner at Wally's was worth the wait! We also had a tour of the space where a new dive shop will open in May.

While Tim (RT mechanic extraordinaire) worked on the Coorie Doon Saturday morning, the Europa left and headed north to Blake Island. We started out in some log strewn small chop, and before too long were in rough 4 foot swells.

We turned around!

The most logical destination was Gig Harbor, so here we are. The Zs met us at Jeresich Dock and we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day and very tasty BBQ meal courtesy of Steve and Jeanie.