After a nice walk in Gig Harbor this morning, and grabbing chowder to go from the Tides, my sister picked up the three of us and we headed to Purdy to have lunch with my parents. The chowder was quite good!
On the way back to the Foss, Nick and Caleb were at the helm when, from the cockpit, I spotted a dim shape on distant rocks that I didn't recognize. I almost passed it off as a goose but decided to grab the binoculars and take a closer look. A brown pelican! We've heard they are sometimes around but hadn't seen one. (Although we spotted many white pelicans just ten minutes east of Yakima last weekend on our wine tasting road trip to Walla Walla.)
So no, we didn't see our previous boat (not that Pelican) but is was pretty exciting to see the real thing so close to home!