After months of waiting for decent weather, we are out on the water again. And oh boy, has it been good so far!
We left the Foss around 10am was a bright and beautiful morning. As we neared the Des Moines marina entrance, all of a sudden Nick saw a big black dorsal fin! A pod of Orcas was coming right for us so he put the boat in neutral and let it happen. I grabbed my phone and got one shot and some video. Not great quality video but enough to really see them. This is the closest we've ever been to whales. Spectacular! The pod of 6 or so moved around us and continued south into Poverty Bay. We hung around for a little while, enough to see that they began to frollick a bit. They were too far away by that time to see much of anything but there were big splashes, so something was happening.
Coming straight at us! |
We took a couple of short walks in the afternoon and spent some time cleaning Europa a little. She's been sitting for too long!
Steve and Tracey joined us for wine, cheese and crackers (yummy - thanks again you two!). We had a lovely time catching up with them...and talking about boating...of course.
We are headed north to Bainbridge Island later this morning, at least that is the plan. We've got until Thursday, and our hope is to visit Everett. We have not been there and have heard good things. We're going to do a little research first, though, as the marina is on the Snohomish River and with all the flooding, it might be interesting.
Side notes: We had a very, very good trip to Florida in January. Perfect weather and abundant wildlife. Manatees, dolphins, pelicans, and more osprey then we've ever seen in one place. We are heading to San Diego in a couple of weeks. Other than that, we have been spending quality time with Mac.
Good to be boating again!