The cost per foot is lower at IMC at $1.40 per foot; it’s $2
at Islander. However, power is $8, while power at the Islander is $6. The only
pump-out service for miles around is here at IMC and costs $5 – it’s a portable
unit so you don’t have to move your boat. The docks here are quite long, which
means that multiple boats may be piled in – not a great situation. But it’s way
less crowded so that might not be a problem.
Speaking of docks. The docks at IMC are concrete with metal
cleats. The docks at the Islander, at least some of them, are wooden with
wooden bull rails. I am no dock expert but I really, really dislike
docks with wood! Especially older ones. They are more difficult to tie to,
harder to walk on, and get splinters in everything! One item on my
lazy-day-at-anchor “to do” list is to go through all of Europa’s dock lines
with a pair of pliers to remove nasty wooden splinters.
The Islander is just a really busy place - we've been at anchor here in the past and heard people partying into the wee hours. Right now, there are several boats rafted. No thank you...
We watched this guy on his wind surfer thingamajig. I
wish I captured him with video! It’s difficult to see in this photo but it has “wings” on each side that he practically lays on, and when he gets up
to speed the whole thing raises up onto some kind of ski. And he goes fast!
[photo later]
Tuesday morning after a walk into the village and a pump-out (plus
getting bike batteries and everything else all charge up), we anchored back in the
bay for a couple of nights to continue our Lopez visit. Another item on our
task list is giving the teak a nice coat of oil. I got the galley finished and
it looks great!
Our plan today is to ride to Watmough Bight. Our bikes remain
locked to a stand at the Islander.
Reception is very spotty so no photos or videos...