Thursday, July 18, 2019

SJI Summer Days 13 & 14 - Rainy Day...and Wind

Wednesday morning: We arrived in Prevost Harbor, a first visit for us, around 4pm yesterday. This is part of Stuart Island State Park, and we’ve been to the other side, in Reid Harbor. A narrow isthmus separates the two harbors, with shared services at the park. There was space at the dock but it looked a little crowded so we were quite content to grab a nearby buoy. It was the only one open but we could have easily anchored. Nick took the dinghy in to deposit our “payment.” (We have a marine park moorage permit, so basically, we’re at state parks for free at this point – well worth the cost!)

We cooked our crab on the boat – this is also a first. Crab cooking can be a smelly mess but since we only had two, and they weren’t huge, we decided to carefully proceed. We cooked one at a time and it worked quite well. No boiling over, and no lingering crab smell in the morning!

It began raining overnight and we woke to sprinkles. It looks like it might do this on and off all day. If it clears, we’ll take the dinghy down the bay to Prevost, a small community, which will get us closer to the Turn Point lighthouse out at the north end of the island. We’ve been to Stuart twice before but haven’t made the hike out there yet.

Or…we’ll listen to music, read, nap, watch a movie, crochet…whatever. My only really goal is to get the windows washed.

Thursday morning: Clean windows!
After a mostly lazy morning we decided to make the hike to Turn Point Light Station. It was overcast and breezy so we opted to land the dinghy at the dock, instead of motoring to Prevost. So, our hike was a bit longer. 5 or 6 miles, at least, and very hilly. Definitely worth it but I wouldn’t do it again without motoring closer.

The station has a lot to offer; beautifully restored buildings, detailed whale information, and a small museum. The wind was absolutely whipping over the point.

We returned to the boat, grilled some burgers and felt the wind picking up in the bay. Gusts were quite powerful so we checked everything on board and “battened down the hatches.” I think that’s the most swinging this boat has ever done while on a mooring buoy.

Woke up this morning to blue sky and calm water. After breakfast we plan to head to Garrison Bay.

A couple of my photos won't upload...reception has been spotty at best. Hopefully this blog post will go through. 

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